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V-Baby 管理培训生项目

工作地点:上海 招聘人数:20
工作类型:正式 学  历:本科


培训生们会由公司高管亲自带教和指导,从而创造与众不同的培养体系,更加着重于每位管培生个人能力的辅导和培养。不仅如此,公司为项目参与者们提供 6-9 个月的轮岗实践,并且拥有自主选择岗位的机会。以上不可多得的机会不只为提高公司的整体水平,更是为管培生设计最佳的职业规划。


To create a unique training system, the trainees will be coached directly by professionals from our company. We will also provide work shift opportunities lasting six to nine months and the opportunity to choose the final position independently, for whom is looking for the best career designing.


1. 应届本科及以上学历,专业不限;

2. 具备良好的逻辑思维能力、沟通能力、学习能力、执行力及创新思维;

3. 具有良好的抗压性、团队合作精神;具有丰富的社会实践经验,有社团管理工作经验者优先;

4. 对工作和生活富有激情,强烈的责任心、高尚的职业道德、强烈的集体荣誉感;

5. 致力于在金融行业有长足发展的有志青年。


1.New graduates with bachelor degree or above, all majors welcome;

2.Proven strong logic, great communication, fast learning, well-executed and creative thinking skills;

3.Good team player able to work under pressure, along with rich experience of social practicing, leadership experience of communities or associations could be a plus;

4.Passionate with work and life, higher work ethic standard, strong sense of duty as well as collective honor keeper;

5.Dedicate to pursue the professional career in the financial industry。


V-Baby 管理培训生项目

所属公司:上海 所属部门:管培生 工作地点:上海
招聘人数:20 学  历:本科 工作类型:正式


培训生们会由公司高管亲自带教和指导,从而创造与众不同的培养体系,更加着重于每位管培生个人能力的辅导和培养。不仅如此,公司为项目参与者们提供 6-9 个月的轮岗实践,并且拥有自主选择岗位的机会。以上不可多得的机会不只为提高公司的整体水平,更是为管培生设计最佳的职业规划。


To create a unique training system, the trainees will be coached directly by professionals from our company. We will also provide work shift opportunities lasting six to nine months and the opportunity to choose the final position independently, for whom is looking for the best career designing.


1. 应届本科及以上学历,专业不限;

2. 具备良好的逻辑思维能力、沟通能力、学习能力、执行力及创新思维;

3. 具有良好的抗压性、团队合作精神;具有丰富的社会实践经验,有社团管理工作经验者优先;

4. 对工作和生活富有激情,强烈的责任心、高尚的职业道德、强烈的集体荣誉感;

5. 致力于在金融行业有长足发展的有志青年。


1.New graduates with bachelor degree or above, all majors welcome;

2.Proven strong logic, great communication, fast learning, well-executed and creative thinking skills;

3.Good team player able to work under pressure, along with rich experience of social practicing, leadership experience of communities or associations could be a plus;

4.Passionate with work and life, higher work ethic standard, strong sense of duty as well as collective honor keeper;

5.Dedicate to pursue the professional career in the financial industry。

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